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* Connector kullanmadan sunucuya girisler yasaklandi. |
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4Kingdoms UO
Agarta UO
Alaves PVP
Andoria UO
Anexia World UO
Asgard UO
Black PVP
Boti PVP
Callidora UO
Casplor UO
Chaos War
Cube UO
Devonian UO
Drawkin's UO
Elmoth UO
Elpida UO
Empusa UO
Endisa UO
Eriador UO
Evaluate PVP
Griffon PVP
Iconia UO
Ion UO
Kesyda Inc
Ladros UO
Legend PVP
Lindon UO
Meganary PVP
Nemesis UO
Nagaroth UO
Native UO
Nardol UO
Nero PVP
Neverlands UO
Olympus UO
Overdron UO
Panda UO
Poison UO
Pvp - War
PVP Wonders
Quarion UO
Renew UO
Relive PVP
Replica UO
Rest PVP
Revo PVP
Rise of Lucifer UO
Rival PVP
Rodos UO
Rohan UO
Rome UO
Sepultura UO
Seven UO
Sioran PVP
SlayerTr UO
Systec PVP
The Nord Shield UO (eski)
UO Regal
Vertu PVP
World of Legends UO
Xenophobia UO
Xhearon UO